Wednesday, June 15, 2005

Why am I here???

Well, I have always been a guy with a cool head.. never worrying about anything.. having a positive outlook to everything in life.. But there is one question.. One question that constantly comes to my mind and resides in it as though it is a permanent resident and a temporary visitor... No marks for guessing the question....

I have read books on the evolution of mankind... have seen movies as well... some say that God created Adam and Eve... Some say that microorganisms upgraded their versions to become become as sophisticated as a human body... But I have always believed in one thing. A reason. A reason for everything in this world. Well, this is not a tip-off from any Sci-Fi English movie flick. It is the thought at the center of my universe. my brain. (no wonder my universe is microsized... A thought spot occuring in any point of my brain can be deemed to be the centre, owing to the size of my brain). Well. Am starting to deviate from the topic. But u ppl have to excuse me since this is my first original blog.. I hope to deviate from the topic more and more in my subsequent blogs...

Coming back to the point. A reason for everything. It is an assumption. A hypothesis, which we have thrust upon ourselves, and which we believe is right. The reason why a cactus bore thorns is to protect itself against the environment. The reason why a porcupine shoots its arrows has been attributed to its self-defence mechanism. So, analogous to that, there should be a reason for me (and you) to be born on this universe. What is the reason? Some say "Salvation". If u dont realize urself, u will take birth again in this universe... again and again, until u reach the stage of salvation. But many a times, I have wondered whether it is the ultimate happiness or a mere mask... there are many things in the universe that is explainable. many things that are experienced by many, and yet unexplainable through words. But this is something that is not a readily available experience, and the so-called yogis can't explain it through words....

Well, again... what is the reason for the creator to put me on this planet earth in a place which we ourselves have drawn boundaries around and called it Chennai, and in chennai, we ourselves have drawn another interior boundary in another boundary and named it our Home? What have I come to achieve? What is my goal? Well, assuming that God is the CEO of the universe, and he employs humans to get some work of Him done, He would make sure that He saps the work from me. Obviously, this is what is happening in many companies. U are made to work, day and night and day... So, if God wants something to be done abt this, he will do it. So, why worry?

But thats the idlist thought on the topic. The optimist thinks, "Well, I have been sent to the Earth on some purpose. Even if I dont know the purpose, I will strive hard to find it out, and do good to mankind, so that God will give me atleast 6/10 marks for my life." The pessimist thinks "Bah."

Sadly, in this world, there is no perfect optimist or a perfect pessimist... The world is deviod of perfection. Who will make it perfect?? Maybe, thats the purpose of life... or maybe not!!! Because, we are then acting against nature. Nature wants no one to be perfect. So, if we think of making ourselves perfect, it is against the will of Mother Nature. Sometimes, personifying something will attract attention and respect towards itself.

But finally... my point is that.. Man knows the purpose of his life... He doesnt realize that he knows.

But finally after finally, please dont heave a sigh of frustration after reading this blog... read the title of my blog page... Everything I type indeed is Instantaneous Nonsense. Wait.. not everything! Since I will become perfectly Instantaneously nonsensical, which is again against the whims of Nature. So, as a great man once said... Absorb the Good and reject the Bad......


sambar42 said...

Have you considered that it might all be just an accident? And that we make up concepts like God and Fate just to try and make sense of what is essentially a set of random occurrences?:)

The previous two comments are just spam. Delete them and turn on the word-verification in your settings. That will keep them out in the future.

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